Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tea Parties are a good start.

Over the past several election cycles the Left has shown us on the right a “road map to power” for the new millennium. With groups like Code Pink who show up at every televised rally or governmental event that they can get into; they’re very tenacious and resolute in there beliefs and seem to be everywhere. Community groups like Acorn who until recently have built a strong support structure in minority circles; even if it does go under; there’s 10 more “Acorns” to take it place. You have Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, PETA, Greenpeace,, the list is endless. That’s before you factor in all the giant media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post and; we had Fox News, Rush and the NRA. It’s clear that we in the “opposition” parties are trying to play catch up as fast as we can; over the past decade we have had new radio personality emerge like Glen Beck, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity to complement Rush’s over all message, the Fox News Channel routinely beats the other cable news networks nightly in viewer rating and we have learned to use the Web and social networking sites like Facebook and twitter as a vehicle to drive our message out too the “wired” generation. Still, we have never used the “mass demonstration” until now. There have been peace rally for decades, civil rights marches, global climate change demonstrations and animal right rally in Washington my entire life; it seemed the left had a monopoly on these types of actions. Was it because they cared more about their causes then we did? No, they were just better at getting folks together; the majority of us on the right have careers and families to take care of. It was difficult to just jump off on a moments notice and drive hours for a rally in some major US city. Were we scared of being labeled a “racist” or “redneck” someone not intellectual enough to grasp progressive thought. Until the Tea Parties, we just sat back and voted, maybe. Listened to the radio and talk at church or some sport bar about our ideals, we paid our NRA dues, read the Drudge report and complained. We never took the next step; very few have ever called our congressman or even attended our own city or county government sessions. But we were the first to complain when taxes went up and the services went down.

During the past few years we came to notice our voices can be heard in Washington whether our elected officials like it or not. When the “amnesty bill” was being debated we jammed the phones and web servers in Washington like never before, the “inside the beltway” establishment was stunned .The “amnesty bill” died and we felt like we had made a difference for the first time in years, what happened? We were told by a vast majority of the media that we were all racist and bigots; so we got quiet, it even seemed that some leaders in our own party were embarrassed by our expression of free speech.

Now the Tea Parties, again we were angered by what we see as wasteful spending by our State and Federal governments. We marched and rallied all over the country which is our right, it was amazing. But how has it been reported? Hillbillies, Klansmen and idiots; God and gun nuts running amuck in the streets, racist extremist full of hate because the President of the United States happens to have and African father. We cannot let them quiet us down this time; we must keep the movement moving forward.

The Tea Parties were a good start, but that’s just what they were a start. It’s going to be an up hill battle all the way as we on right learn to organizations and try to combat the non-stop bombardment of the leftist media, Hollywood and special interest groups like the Trail Lawyers lobby.

This movement must gain in magnitude and scope; national, state and local Tea Party groups must continue to play in the “now” climate of the 24 hour media cycles and instant information age. We must stay organized and on target; not get sidetracked by distractions the left will throw at us like a decades old college thesis written in the sprit of academic theory.

Make no mistake the left is intent on imposing an EU style socialist government, we must stand up now and say no more. They have controlled the direction of the political climate for too long, we must win the hearts and more importantly minds of our fellow citizens locally first and foremost. That is why I have started this blog and why I am pondering whether to enter the “blood sport” that can be local politics.

Thank you for spending the time to read my thoughts, hopefully you will return to my blog from time to time whether you agree or not; the open and free exchange of ideas is what has made this nation strong. Thank you for your time.

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