Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Religion and cultures...

Religion and cultures: The country is here to celebrate everyones ethnic or religious background, not condem it. The 10 commandments are common sense and a great guide on how you should live your life. To remove them is just like removing the constitution from our public buildings. Even if your athiest, most athiests believe in common sense... to ... the 10 commandments ... you can just be good and mind your manners.Racism is a joke in this country.. People poke fingers but when it comes down to it everyone I know lives by Dr. Kings dream: " I have a dream that one day people will not be judged by the color of thier skin but the content of their character" Now days if you judge a minority by the content of their character they call you a racist. If you think you didnt get a job because of your color, you have every right to start your own business and put that Ahole out of business with better service and business practices. Lets see this happen.

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